For the activities to be carried out within the scope of mining activities in pasture areas, the project must be prepared in accordance with the 14th article of the pasture law number 4342, the Petroleum Law number 6326 and the principles of the Mining Law number 3213.

As stated in the Article 114 of the Mining Regulation;

Exploration License Period

1) In areas where pastures, highlands and winter quarters are located, the mine exploration license holder applies to the Provincial Directorate of Food, Agriculture and Livestock with a petition before mine exploration activities which require psychical interference like drilling, splitting, gallery are carried out. Within thirty days from the date of application, the principles to be followed are determined as a result of the evaluation made by the Provincial Directorate of Food, Agriculture and Livestock and permission is given without changing the purpose of pasture allocation. After these activities, the mineral exploration license holder arranges the regions of operation and harmonizes it with the environment within six months at the latest. The mineral exploration license holder must carry out its activities in line with the information provided.

2) The mining license holder must apply to the Ministry in order for the Ministry to request to change the purpose of allocating pastures to the Provincial Directorate of Food, Agriculture and Livestock. The Ministry finalizes the said application within one month at the latest from the date of application.

(3) The purpose of allocation of the areas where all activities will be carried out for the production and production of the mines whose reserve is determined at the end of exploration activities; Following the notification to be made by the Ministry to the Provincial Directorate of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, upon the approval of the provincial pasture commission and the Revenue Office, can be changed by the governorship and the said places are registered in the name of the Treasury or the foundation to which they belong.

(4) No permission is required for sampling from the surface (pattern) to determine the source during the exploration license period.

Operating License Period

(5) Pasture allocation changes are made for operating activities during the operating license period. Regarding the exploration activities to be carried out outside the operating license area, the activities during the exploration license period are valid.

(6) In areas where pasture allocation changes are made, all kinds of production and temporary facilities for mining activities are permitted, provided that the provisions in the thirteenth paragraph of Article 7 of the Law and the restrictions regarding the areas specified in this Regulation are complied with.

(7) If the operating license is included in the pasture area after the effective date, the operating activities are carried out within the framework of the existing permits in the license areas where the necessary permissions including the EIA decision have been obtained

(8) Following the pasture allocation change in pasture areas, it is obligatory to carry out activities within the area where the pasture allocation change has been made in the license areas where the exploration period production permit or operation permit has been issued by the General Directorate.

(9) If it is determined that the license holder operates in the license areas for which an operating permit has been issued, without a change of pasture allocation, the procedure shall be established in accordance with the twenty first paragraph of Article 7 of the Law. The activities are suspended by protecting the acquired rights by the General Directorate. The suspension decision given by the General Directorate is not revoked unless the obligations are fulfilled.

(10) When the operation permit is requested, transactions are carried out according to the existing title deed records in areas where pasture has not been registered in the land registry records.

MITTO Consultancy, with its experience of more than 14 years and expert engineer staff, provides services related to the preparation of the “Pasture Recycling Project” as the basis for the guarantee for investments that has the possibility of recycling and subject to change in the purpose of Allocation.