Operation, which include in Annex-1 list of environmental permit and license regulation, have to establish environmental management from environmental consulting companies. Operation which include in Annex-2 list of environmental permit and license regulation, have to get services environmental management from environmental consulting companies or have to employ someone as environmental officer continually or have to establish environmental management unit.


Organized industry site, expert organized industry site and management of fee site have to get service environmental management from environmental consulting companies or have to employ someone as environmental officer continually or have to establish environmental management unit.
Hospital and institutions of health (they should have 20 or more beds capacity) with hospital and dialysis center which is not within medical center (15 equipment and more) have to employ least one environmental officer or have to establish environmental management unit or have to get services environmental management from environmental consulting companies.
Operation, which include in Annex-2 list of environmental permit and license regulation and which work seasonal or periodical, in case of approval working period in provincial directorate of environment and urban planning, have to have to employ someone as environmental officer continually or have to establish environmental management unit within only working period of operation.
Operation owner or manager have to employ another someone as environmental officer or have to establish environmental management unit or have to make a new agreement with environmental consulting companies at the least 30 days if the environmental officer leave from this operating, establishing environmental management unit is cancelled or cancelled contract about environmental management service with environmental consulting companies.


Environmental officer who employ in environmental consulting companies;
-They which include Annex-1 list of environmental permit and license regulation have to work at least twice a month that maximum a company in a day.
-They which include Annex-2 list of environmental permit and license regulation (only working period for seasonal or periodical companies) have to work at least ones a month that maximum a company in a day.



  • • Coordination of environmental activities
  • • Internal inspection and reporting
  • • Study of elimination of non-conformities
  • • Official correspondence and periodic informing
  • • Follow-up environmental permits, licenses and certificates
  • • Accompaniment of controller during environmental control


Annex-1 and Annex-2 Articles of Environmental Permit and License Regulation:




1.Energy Industry:
1.1 Thermal and heating facilities,
1.1.1 Solid and liquid fuel facilities with a total combustion system thermal power of 100 MW or more,
1.1.2 Gas-fired Facilities with a total combustion system thermal power of 100 MW or more,
1.2 Facilities that burn the following fuels: (1)
1.2.1 Solid (Coal, coke, coal briquette, peat, wood, wood residues that are not covered with plastic and chemicals, petroleum coke) and liquid (fuel-oil, naphtha, diesel, biodiesel, and so on) fuel Facilities with a total combustion system thermal power of 100 MW or more,
1.2.2 Facilities that are burning gas fuel (natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, coke breeze, blast furnace gas, fuel gas) and with a total combustion system thermal power of 100 MW
1.2.3 Facilities with a total thermal combustion power of 100 MW or more, in which biomass (Olive pomace, sunflower, cotton mallow, etc.) is used as fuel,
1.2.4 Incineration Facilities with a total thermal combustion power of 50 MW or more, operating with solid and liquid flammable substances that do not fall under the definition of fuel that is other than the above-mentioned fuels,
1.3 Combined cycle with a combustion thermal power of 100 MW or higher, combined heat power Facilities, internal combustion engines and gas turbines (including internal combustion engines and gas turbines used in mobile Facilities),
1.4 Gas turbines used in generators and construction machinery with thermal power of 100 MW or more (Except the closed-loop gas turbines, drilling facilities, and generators used in an emergency),
1.5 Nuclear power Facilities,
1.6 Facilities for the distillation and processing of tar, tar products, tar water or gas, (1)
1.7 Gas fuel from hydrocarbons by shredding Facilities, (1)
1.8 Refineries:
1.8.1 Crude oil refineries,
1.8.2 Gasification and liquefaction Facilities of hard coal and bituminous materials over 500 tons per day,
1.8.3 Natural gas liquefaction and gasification Facilities,
1.9 Coke ovens,
1.10 Extraction of 500 tons and above of crude oil per day or 500,000 m3 and above of natural gas per day,


2. Mining and Building Materials Industry:
2.1 Facilities producing cement clinker and/or integrated cement,
2.2 Dolomite, limestone or magnetite cooking facilities that use petroleum coke as fuel and have a quick product capacity of 250 tons per day and above,
2.3 Extraction, production, processing, conversion facilities of asbestos and asbestos-containing products,(1)
2.4 Facilities producing glass including glass fiber with a melting capacity of 300 tons per day or above (except facilities producing products used in communication and medical field from prepared glass rod, ball, and billet, and Facilities producing glass fiber by drawing the fiber from prepared glass rod, ball, and billet),
2.5 Facilities producing 300 tones and above ceramic or porcelain per day,
3.1 Facilities for roasting (heating under air to oxidize), melting, and sintering (binding fine-grained materials together by heating), including sulfur ore,
3.2 Facilities producing iron and steel from ore
3.3 Facilities producing metallurgical, chemical, or electrolytic processes and non-ferrous raw metal with a capacity of 100 tons per day and above,
3.4 Facilities producing crude iron with a capacity of 500 tons per day and above (including cupola furnaces),
3.5 Facilities producing steel from scrap iron and steel with a capacity of 2,000 tons per day or above,
3.6 Facilities where non-ferrous metals with a capacity of 50 tons per day and above are melted and/or poured (except for vacuum melting Facilities and melting facilities that are part of pressure casting or die-casting machines),
3.7 Hot Rolling facilities:
3.7.1 Facilities where iron or steel with a capacity of 5,000 tons per day or above is rolled,
3.7.2 Facilities where non-ferrous metals with a capacity of 250 tons per day or above are rolled,
3.8 Iron, temper or steel foundries with a production capacity of 700 tons/day and larger,
3.9 Facilities that produce industrial accumulator cells with leaded accumulators of 5,000 units per day and above, (1)

4. Chemical and Petrochemical Industry:
4.1 Integrated chemical facilities,
4.1.1 Facilities where inorganic chemicals such as acids, bases, or salts are produced with a total production capacity of 200 tons/day or more, (1)
4.1.2 Facilities where inorganic gases such as ammonia, chlorine or hydrogen chloride, fluorine or hydrogen fluoride, carbon oxides, sulfur, and its compounds, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen, sulfur dioxide, carbonyl chloride are produced, (1)
4.1.3 Starting from the raw material stage, production of 50 tons per day or more phosphorus, nitrogen, or potassium-based fertilizers (simple compound fertilizers),
4.1.4 Facilities producing simple hydrocarbons (linear or cyclic, saturated or unsaturated, aliphatic or aromatic) with a capacity of 100 tons per day or more,
4.1.5 Facilities where organic chemical solvents (alcohols, aldehydes, aromatics, ketones, acids, esters, acetates, ethers, etc…) are produced with a production capacity of 100 tons per day or more,
4.2 Facilities where 100 tons per day or more of organic chemical solvents (alcohols, aldehydes, aromatics, ketones, acids, esters, acetates, ethers, etc.) are used as raw materials.
4.3 Facilities where petroleum and petroleum products distillation and refining processes are carried out,
4.4 Yarn, fabric or carpet factories which finishing process of bleaching (sizing, removal, bleaching, mercerization, causticization, etc…) units include painting and annual production capacity is 3,000 tons/year (1)

5. Surface Coating Industry:
5.1 Facilities where items, profile and sheet-shaped materials are polished and dried (Facilities, where the polishes contain organic solvents and the polish usage capacity, is 250 kg/hour and more), (1)
5.2 Facilities where profile and sheet-shaped materials are printed and dried by rotary printing machines, (1)
5.2.1 Paint and Polishing Materials: Facilities containing only ethanol as an organic solvent and using 500 kg/hour or more,
5.2.2 Paint and Polish materials: Facilities using other organic solvents and above 250 kg/hour or more,
5.3 Facilities which conduct painting, varnishing, and production of motor vehicles (land vehicles (cars, trucks, etc.), agricultural machines (tractors, harvesters, etc.), work machines (dozer, excavator, etc.), defense industry vehicles (tanks, armored vehicles, etc.) (1)
5.4 Facilities where railway vehicles are produced (excluding the facilities where only the assembly of all parts is made) (1.000 pieces per year and more), (1)
5.5 Production of aircraft, (1)
5.6. Facilities where wood or metal surfaces are painted using an organic solvent of 250 kg per hour or more, (1)

6. Forest Products and Cellulose Facilities:
6.1 Cellulose production facilities,
6.2 Facilities producing pulp from timber or similar fibrous materials,
6.3 Facilities producing all kinds of cardboard, paper or cardboard from prepared cellulose and/or waste paper (with a capacity of 300 tons per day and above),

7. Food Industry, Agriculture, and Livestock:
7.1 Sugar Factories, (1)
7.2 Olive processing facilities with a production capacity of 30 tons per day and above. (12)
7.3 Facilities where crude oil production or refining process from vegetable products is carried out. (200 tons of oil and above per day (excluding essential oils such as thyme, chamomile, etc.)) (1), (2)
7.4 Yeast production facilities with a capacity of 25,000 tons per year and above. (1), (2)
7.5 Places producing alcoholic beverages of 50,000 m3 per year and more from suma and malt. (1), (2)
7.6 Raw leather processing Facilities with a capacity of 2,000 tons per year and above (excluding apparel products) (1), (2)
7.7 Animal Breeding Facilities (1), (2)
7.7.1 Cattle breeding facilities of 5000 heads and above. (1), (2)
7.7.2 Ovine breeding facilities for 25000 heads and above, (1), (2)
7.7.3 Breeding bovine and ovine animals together (if 5.000 bovine and above, should be counted as 1 bovine = 5 ovine.),
7.7.4 Pig fattening facilities of 1000 heads and above. (1), (2)
7.7.5 Poultry breeding facilities [60 000 or more chickens (chick, breeder, broiler, etc.) or other equivalent poultry in a production period] (should be counted as 1 turkey = 7 chicken.), (1), (2)
7.8 Animal Slaughtering Facilities: (1), (2)
7.8.1 Facilities where bovine and / or ovine animals are slaughtered. (100 slaughter units per day and above), (each slaughter unit equivalent to; 1 cattle, 2 ostriches, 4 pigs, 8 sheep, 10 goats, 130 rabbits) (1), (2)
7.8.2 Facilities where poultry animals are slaughtered. (50 000 pieces per day and above, chicken and other equivalent poultry.) (should be counted as 1 turkey = 7 chicken) (1), (2)
7.9 Milk processing facilities. (raw milk processing capacity of 100,000 liters per day and above) (1), (2)

8. Waste Management:
8.1 Waste interim storage, recovery, and disposal facilities (the exemption from the environmental permit on air emission does not apply to all recovery facilities and waste incineration and decimation facilities. Environmental noise exemption is not applicable to waste batteries and accumulators and tire recovery facilities that are end-of-life). (1),(2)
8.2 Scrap or scrap shredding facilities, including storage and/or processing facilities for end-of-life vehicles, waste electrical and electronic equipment processing facilities, tanker cleaning facility (1),(2)
8.3 Ship recycling facilities (1),(2),(3)
8.4 Advanced Thermal Processing facilities (Pyrolysis, Gasification) (1), (4)
8.5 Waste-derived fuel (RDF) Preparation Plant (1), (2)
8.6 Medical waste sterilization facilities (1), (2)

9. Storage, filling, and unloading of substances:
9.1 Storage and filling facilities for flammable, inflammable, or explosive gases, (1)
9.1.1 Facilities with a total storage tank capacity of 10,000 m3 or more for liquefied petroleum gases (excluding storage tanks used for heating purposes),
9.1.2 Facilities with a total storage tank capacity of 20,000 m3 or more for natural gas/LNG (liquefied natural gas) and similar gases (excluding storage tanks used for heating purposes),
9.1.3 Facilities for filling tubes from liquefied petroleum gases with a filling capacity of 200 tons per day and greater,
9.2 Storage facilities for crude oil, petroleum products, and petrochemical and chemical products, (1)
9.2.1 Facilities with a total storage tank capacity of 100,000 tons and more for crude oil,
9.2.2 Facilities with a total storage tank capacity of 50,000 tons or more for gasoline, naphtha, diesel, fuel oil, and similar fuel oils (excluding storage tanks used for heating purposes),
9.2.3 Facilities with a total storage tank capacity of more than 50,000 tons for organic chemical solvents (alcohols, aldehydes, aromatics, amines, ketones, acids, esters, acetates, ethers, etc.)
9.3 Facilities for Methanol with a total storage tank capacity of 30,000 tons or more, (1)
9.4 Facilities for acrylonitrile with a total storage tank capacity of 2,000 tons and more (1)
10. Other Facilities:
10.1 Wastewater treatment facilities in regions where industries are collectively involved, (1), (2)
10.2 Urban and/or domestic wastewater treatment facilities with a population of 100,000 people and above.1,2


Businesses with a polluting effect on the environment

1. Energy Industry:
1.1 Thermal and heat stations,
1.1.1 Solid and liquid fuel facilities with a total combustion system whose thermal power is greater than 1 MW and less than 100MW,
1.1.2 Gas-fired facilities with a total combustion system whose thermal power is greater than 2 MW and less than 100MW,
1.2 Facilities burning the following fuels (excluding the ones who have a heating or medical purposes), (1)
1.2.1 With total combustion of using solid (coal, coke, coal briquettes, peat, wood, plastic, or chemicals not covered and treated with wood residues, petroleum coke) and liquid (fuel-oil, naphtha, diesel fuel, biodiesel, etc.) fuel systems whose thermal power is greater than 1MW and less than 100 MW,
1.2.2 Facilities that use gaseous fuel (natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, coke gas, blast furnace gas, fuel gas) and whose total combustion system thermal power is greater than 2 MW and less than 100 MW,
1.2.3 Facilities where biomass (pomace, sunflower, cottonseed, etc.) is used as fuel with a total combustion thermal power is greater than 500 kW and less than 100 MW,
1.2.4 Facilities operating with solid and liquid combustible materials other than the fuels specified above, which are not included in the definition of fuel, with a total combustion thermal power of less than 1 MW and greater than 50 MW,
1.3 Combined cycle, combined heat, and power plant, internal combustion engines, and gas turbines whose thermal powers of combustion are greater than1 MW and less than 100 MW. (Including the internal combustion engines and gas turbines used in mobile power Facilities),
1.4 Generators whose combustion thermal power is greater than 1 MW and less than 100 MW and gas turbines which are used in heavy equipment drives. Excludes the closed-loop gas turbines, drilling facilities, and generators used in emergencies,
1.5 Gasification and liquefaction facilities using coal and bituminous materials, 50 tons per day, and more, less than 500 tons per day.
1.6 The extraction of 500 tons of crude oil per day and or extraction of natural gas below 500,000 m3 per day,


2. Mining and Building Materials Industry:
2.1 Facilities producing and/or packaging cement from clinker,
2.2 Dolomite, limestone or magnetite boiling facilities that use petroleum coke as fuel and have an inactive product capacity less than 250 tons per day,
2.3 Bauxite, dolomite, gypsum, limestone, kieselguhr, magnetite, quartz, or chamotte boiling facilities where fuels other than petroleum coke are used,
2.4 Lime grinding, quenching or packing facilities,
2.5 Gypsum, kieselguhr, magnetite, mineral paint, mussel shell, talc, clay, tress or chromite grinding Facilities,
2.6 Perlite, schist or clay bloating facilities,
2.7 Glass production Facilities which also produce glass fiber with a melting capacity of fewer than 300 tons per day (excluding Facilities that produce products used in communication and medical fields using ready-made glass rods, balls, and billets, Facilities that produce glass fiber from ready-made glass rods, balls and billets by drawing fibers.)
2.8 Facilities that polish or matte glass and glass products by use of acids,
2.9 Facilities where ceramic or porcelain production is made lesser than 300 tons per day,
2.10 Facilities where fire brick, roof tiles, bricks, flat tiles are manufactured with a production capacity of 75 tons per day and more,
2.11 Mineral melting facilities including mineral fiber with a melting capacity of 20 tons per day or more,
2.12 Facilities where aerated concrete blocks and sand-lime briquettes or fiber cement boards are produced under steam pressure,
2.13 Facilities whose production capacity is 10 m3 per hour or more and producing concrete, mortar, or road material by use of cement; including places where materials are mixed only when they are dry,
2.14 Facilities with a production capacity of 5 tons per hour and more, by use of cement or other binders, producing materials formed by compression, shock, shaking, and vibration,
2.15 Asphalt facilities that prepare road materials (including tar smelting and spraying Facilities) and Facilities that melt and produce bitumen or tar mixtures with mineral materials,
2.16 Mines using explosives
2.17 Mines whose production capacity is 200 tons per day and more and under the 3213 numbered 4/6/1985 dated Mining Law regulation Groups I a and b, Group II (including limestone), Group IV, Group V where mines located in their group were extracted,
2.18 Production capacity of 200 tons per day and above and mining Law Group I a and b, Group II (including limestone), Group IV, facilities V established for crushing, grinding, sifting of Mines and slag and rubble in their group,
2.19 Marble processing facilities with a capacity of 20,000 m3 per year and above,
2.20 Coal and/or ore preparation and/or enrichment facilities,
2.21 Mineral extraction from stream and sea, (1), (2)
2.22 Salt enterprises, (1)


3. Metal Industry:
3.1 A capacity of 15 tons per day and above, metallurgical, chemical or electrolytic processes and non-ferrous raw metal production facilities from ore, concentrate, or secondary raw materials with below 100 tons per day.
3.2 50 tons per day and above, crude iron production facility with a capacity of below 500 tons per day (including cupola furnaces),
3.3 Facilities producing steel from scrap iron steel with a capacity of fewer than 2,000 tons per day,
3.4 Facilities where non-ferrous metals are melted and/or poured with a capacity of 100 kg per day and above, less than 50 tons per day (excluding vacuum melting Facilities and melting facilities that are a part of pressure casting or die-casting machines),
3.5 Hot Rolling Facilities,
3.5.1 Facilities where iron or steel is rolled with a capacity of 5 tons per day or more, less than 5000 tons per day,
3.5.2 Facilities where non-ferrous metals with a capacity of 5 tons per day or more and less than 250 tons per day are rolled,
3.5.3 Furnaces (annealing furnaces, etc.) in which metals with a nominal thermal power of 1 MW or more are subjected to heat treatment without rolling,
3.6.1 Facilities where iron or steel is rolled with a capacity of 10 tons per day or more,
3.6.2 Facilities where non-ferrous metals with a capacity of 5 tons per day or more are rolled,
3.7 Iron, malleable, or steel foundries with production capacity below 700 tons per day,
3.8 Facilities producing industrial battery cells with leaded accumulators less than 5,000 units per day, (1)
3.9 Facilities where the total volume of treatment tanks is 30 m³ and above, where metal and plastic materials are surface treated using an electrolytic or chemical process, (1)
3.10 Batteries and facilities producing batteries, (1)
3.11 Facilities where metal surfaces are coated with protective layers such as lead, tin, or zinc by melting bath or flame spraying with a coating capacity of 1 ton per hour and above (the continuous zinc coating facilities operating with the Sendzimir method are excluded), (1)
3.12 Facilities where hot metals are formed in ram (ram) Facilities with thermal power of 2 MW or more and each hammer operating with an energy of 50 kJ or more, (except for facilities where metal sheets are cold-pressed),
3.13 Facilities where 10 tons per day or more of bolts, nails, rivets, nuts, and similar machine parts, balls, pins, and similar standard metal parts are formed together by pressure in automatics,
3.14 Facilities where detonation forming or metal plating processes are carried out using 10 kg or more explosive substances each time,
3.15 Facilities where the following machines are manufactured or repaired, (1)
3.15.1 Facilities producing at least one metal sheet with a total volume of 30 m3 or more per day, warehouse, tanks, and similar facilities,
3.15.2 Facilities producing at least one container per day with a floor area of 7 m2 or more,
3.16 Facilities producing seamless or welded steel pipes produced by the cold and / or hot forming method, (1)
3.17 Grinding or sanding facilities where the surfaces of iron and steel building constructions, steel constructions, and sheet metal parts are treated with spraying agents (excluding facilities where the closed-circuit spraying agent remains active), (1)
3.18 Facilities producing metal powders or pastes, (1)
3.19 Production of engines for motor vehicles, (1)
3.20 Shipyards, yacht building and maintenance shipyards, (1)
3.21 Aircraft maintenance facilities, (1)
3.22 Railway equipment production, (1)
3.23 Printing with explosives, (1)
3.24 Facilities where glazing, enamel, and/or enameling of metals are performed, (1)
3.25 Non-ferrous metal oxide (such as aluminum oxide and zinc oxide) production facilities, (1)


“4. Chemical and petrochemical industry:
4.1 Integrated chemical facilities, (1)
4.1.1 Facilities producing inorganic chemicals such as acids, bases, or salts with a production capacity of fewer than 200 tons per day,
4.1.2 Facilities where metals or non-metals are produced using the wet method or electrical energy,
4.1.3 Facilities where corundum, nonmetals, metal oxides or other inorganic substances such as calcium carbide, boron, and its compounds, arsenic, dispensing oxide, silicon, silicon carbide are produced,
4.1.4 Facilities producing halogens or halogen products (except facilities producing organic halogenated compounds),
4.1.5 Facilities where acetylene dissolved under pressure is produced,
4.1.6 Facilities producing with a total production capacity of 2 tons per day and less than 100 tons per day organic chemical solvents (alcohols, aldehydes, aromatics, ketones, acids, esters, acetates ethers, and so on),
4.1.7 Facilities producing 2 tons per day and more or less than 100 tons per day simple hydrocarbon (linear or cyclic, saturated or unsaturated, aliphatic or aromatic),
4.1.8 Facilities where organometallic compounds are produced,
4.1.9 Facilities where basic plastics (polymers, synthetic fibers, and cellulose-based fibers) are produced,
4.1.10 Facilities producing synthetic rubber,
4.1.11 Facilities where surfactants are produced,
4.1.12 Cellulose nitrate production facilities,
4.1.13 Facilities producing synthetic resin,
4.1.14 Facilities producing vulcanized rubber using rubber, sulfur, or carbon.(Excluding facilities where less than 50 kg of rubber per hour is processed or facilities where only vulcanized rubber is used),
4.1.15 Facilities that use or regenerate tires as raw materials of 3 tons per day or more,
4.1.16 Facilities producing tar dyes or tar decays intermediates are manufactured,
4.1.17 Facilities manufacturing soap and/or detergent including raw material production unit,
4.1.18 Soap production facilities with a capacity of 2 tons per day and larger,
4.1.19 Production of phosphorus, nitrogen, or potassium-based fertilizers under 50 tons per day starting from the raw material stage (simple compound fertilizers),
4.2 Facilities where in total 2 tons per day and more or less than 100 tons per day organic chemical solvents (alcohols, aldehydes, aromatics, ketones, acids, esters, acetates ethers, and so on) are used as raw materials, (1)
4.3 Production of plant protection products and biocides and facilities where plant protection products and active substances used in them are grounded, mechanically, mixed, packed and emptied and repackaged, (1)
4.4 Production of pharmaceutical products (including alkaloid plants), (1)
4.5 Facilities producing lubricants, grease metal oils such as lubricating fluids, (1)
4.6 Facilities producing soot and Carbon Black, (1)
4.7 Facilities producing electro graphite etc. and carbon or incineration by means of electrodes, electrical users or parts of devices (1)
4.8 Facilities where natural and/or synthetic resins with a capacity of 25 kg per hour or more are melted, (1)
4.9 Paint, pigment, polisher, varnish, elastomer, and peroxide production facilities with a production capacity of 1 ton per day and above (activities not included in Annex-1) (1)
4.10 Production and treatment of elastomer-based products, (1)
4.11 Celluloid production facilities, (1)
4.12 Plants that produce additives for varnish and printing paint using nitrocellulose with a nitrogen content of up to 12.6%, (1)
4.13 Facilities used for cleaning and processing of sulfate turpentine oil or tall-oil, (1)
4.14 Facilities with a production capacity of 1 ton per day or more, in which materials for protecting, cleaning, protecting wood or gluing structures are produced (except for facilities that only use water as a solution and are provided in 4.1), (1)
4.15 Facilities that produce wood protection agents using halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (except for facilities given in 4.1.), (1)
4.16 Yarn, fabric, or carpet factories with a production capacity of fewer than 3,000 tons per year, including bleaching (sizing, dismantling, bleaching, mercerization, causation, and so on) and dyeing units from finishing processes (1)
4.17 Yarn or fabric bleaching facilities using alkaline substances, chlorine and chlorine compounds, (1)
4.18 Biodiesel production facilities (methanol and similar organic chemicals used as raw materials with a capacity of 1 ton per day and above), (1)
4.19 Decontamination of chemicals and intermediates (for activities not defined in Annex-1 and Annex-2), (1)
4.20 Pitch production facilities, (1)
4.21 Facilities where natural asphalt is melted or distilled, (1)
4.22 Pitch evaporation facilities, (1)
5. Surface Coating Industry
5.1 Facilities where materials, profile and sheet form materials are polished and dried (facilities, where the varnishes contain organic solvents and the use capacity of the varnish, is 25 kg per h or greater, less than 250 kg per h) (1)
5.2 Facilities where profile and sheet materials are printed and dried by rotary printing machines, (1)
5.2.1 Paint and Polish agents: facilities containing only ethanol as an organic solvent and using it 50 kg per h and above, under 500 kg per h,
5.2.2 Paint and Polish agents: facilities using other organic solvents 25 kg per h or more, less than 250 kg per h,
5.3 Facilities where glass fiber, mineral fibers, or profile and sheet materials are coated with a chemical layer, plastics or rubber, impregnated, saturated, and dried from behind, (1)
5.3.1 Facilities using synthetic resin 25 kg per h or more,
5.3.2 Facilities with a plastic handling capacity of 25 kg per h or more,
5.3.3 Facilities with organic solvent usage capacity of 25 kg per h or more,
5.4 Facilities where the production of motor vehicles are between 500-10, 000 pieces per year and (land vehicles (cars, trucks, etc.), agricultural machinery (tractors, harvesters, etc.), construction machinery (dozer, excavator, etc.), defense industry vehicles (tanks, armored vehicles, etc.) are painted and varnished, (1)
5.5 Facilities for the production of railway vehicles (except facilities for the assembly of all parts only) (1,000 units per year and below), (1)
5.6 Facilities where white goods are painted and produced, (1)
5.7 Facilities where wood or metal surfaces are painted using 10 kg per h or more, less than 250 kg per h by using an organic solvent, (1)
5.8 Facilities where substances and tools are saturated when coated with tar, tar oil, or hot bitumen (except facilities where cables are saturated and coated with hot bitumen), (1)
5.9 Facilities in which wires are isolated using phenol or cresol resin or other organic matter, (1)
5.10 Facilities covering tape-shaped materials with plastics and drying mixtures consisting of plastics, emollients oxidized, bezier oil, and other substances, (1)
5.11 Facilities processing liquid or unsaturated polyester resins with styrene-added or Amine epoxy resins with a production capacity of 500 kg per hour and above, (1)
5.12 Facilities where substances are produced by the use of aminoplast or phenol-formaldehyde plastics such as furan, urea phenol resorcinal substances or xylene resin through heat treatment (including facilities with main input substances of 10 kg per h or more), (1)
5.13 Facilities producing using phenol or other plastic resin binders with the condition that asbestos is not used, (1)
5.14 Facilities where artificial sanding plates, parts, sanding papers, or textures are produced using organic binders or solvents, (1)
5.15 Facilities creating gaps in polyurethane forming materials or polyurethane foam and materials (main input materials 1000 kg per h and above, including facilities using thermoplastic polyurethane), (1)”

“7. Food industry, Agriculture, and Animal Husbandry:
7.1 Facilities processing milk, (raw milk processing capacity between 10,000 liters per day -100,000 liters per Day) (1), (2)
7.2 Production of Suma 1000 m3 per year and above or malt facilities of 1000 m3 per year and above, used in the production of beverages by fermentation, (1), (2)
7.3 Sites producing alcoholic beverages from Suma and malt under 50,000 m3 per year, (1), (2)
7.4 Sites producing soft drinks, (1), (2)
7.5 Facilities producing confectionery/chocolate and syrup with a capacity of 5 tons per day and above, (1), (2)
7.6 Facilities where animal fats are melted (facilities with a weekly processing capacity of 200 kg and more, processing by gaining in special slaughterhouses), (1), (2)
7.7 Facilities where animal bodies or animal products are stored for shipment to facilities where animal waste is collected and eliminated, and facilities where animal bodies are burned and eliminated, (1), (2)
7.8 Facilities where feed, fertilizer, or technical oils are produced from cutting residues such as bone, hair, wool, horn, nails, and blood (Rendering facilities and so on), (1), (2)
7.9 Facilities producing gelatin or glue from animal slaughter residues, (1), (2)
7.10 Facilities processing processed animal skin or hair storage other than wool. (Except for dirty animal hairs that are not for their own needs and specified in the current legislation on the Establishment, Opening and Inspection Procedures and Principles of Meat and Meat Products Production Facilities.), (1), (2)
7.11 Rawhide processing facilities with a capacity of fewer than 2,000 tons per year (excluding garment products) (1), (2)
7.12 Production and/or storage facilities producing bone and fish flour, (1), (2)
7.13 Fish oil factories, (1), (2)
7.14 Facilities producing olives with production capacity below 30 tons per day, (1), (2)
7.15 Facilities where crude oil production or refining process is carried out from vegetable products, (200 tons of oil (thyme, chamomile, etc. Except for essential oils) per day or under, (1), (2),
7.16 Tea factories, (1), (2)
7.17 Yeast production facilities with a capacity of fewer than 25,000 tons per year, (1), (2)
7.18 Facilities producing spices using acids from animal and/or vegetable matter, (1), (2)
7.19 Milk powder production facilities, (1), (2)
7.20 Starch production facilities or facilities where starch derivatives are produced, (1), (2)
7.20 Starch production facilities or facilities where starch derivatives are produced, (1), (2)
7.21 Facilities drying animal feed, (1), (2)
7.22 Facilities drying animal feces, (1), (2)
7.24 Vegetable oil production facilities (excluding vegetable oil production facilities that produce crude oil by doing all or more of the processes of sieving and dedusting, breaking, crushing, heating, pressing, or centrifuge, and so on). (1), (2)
7.25 Animal fat producing facilities, (1), (2)
7.26 Animal Breeding Facilities: (1), (2)
7.26.1 Facilities breeding 500-5000 cattle,
7.26.2 Facilities breeding 2.500-25.000 small cattle,
7.26.3 Co-breeding of cattle and small cattle. (Between 500-5000, 1 cattle equals to 5 cattle.)
7.26.4 Pork fattening facilities under 1000 heads,
7.26.5 Poultry breeding facilities. [20,000 – 60,000 chickens (chicks, breeders, chickens, etc.) or other equivalent poultry during a production period] (1 Turkey = 7 chicken .),”

“7.26.6 Facilities producing liquid egg 10 tons per day and above,
7.27 Aquaculture processing facilities (1), (2)
7.28 Animal Slaughter Facilities (1), (2)
7.28.1 Facilities where cattle and/or small cattle are slaughtered. (100 slaughtering units per day or below), (each slaughter unit equivalents; 1 cattle, 2 ostrich, 4 pigs, 8 sheep, 10 goats, 130 rabbits),
7.28.2 Facilities for the slaughter of poultry. (1.000-50 000 pieces of chicken and other poultry equivalents per day.) (1 Turkey = 7 chicken equivalent should be based.)
8. Waste Management:
8.1 Packaging waste collecting-separating and / or recovering facilities. (Exemption from environmental permit on air emission does not apply to recovery facilities), (1), (2)
8.2 Facilities where non-hazardous plastic derivative and/or textile derivative waste except packaging waste, is recovered (1)
8.3 Waste reception facilities where waste produced by ships and cargo residues are collected. (1), (2)
9. Storage, filling, and unloading of substances:
9.1 Storage and filling facilities for inflammable, flammable, or explosive gases. (1),
9.1.1 Liquefied petroleum gases with a total storage tank capacity of 200 m3 or more, less than 10,000 M3 (excluding storage tanks used for heating purposes),
9.1.2 Facilities with a total storage tank capacity of 1000 m3 or more, less than 20,000 m3 for Natural Gas/LNG (liquefied natural gas) and similar gases (excluding storage tanks used for heating purposes),
9.1.3 Facilities where cylinder filling operations are carried out from liquefied gasoline gases with a filling capacity of 30 tons per day or more and less than 200 tons per day,
9.2 Storage facilities for crude oil, petroleum products, and petrochemical and chemical products, (1)
9.2.1 Facilities where the total storage tank capacity for crude oil is 5,000 tons and more, facilities with less than 100,000 tons,
9.2.2 Facilities with a total storage tank capacity of 1,000 tons or more, less than 50,000 tons for gasoline, nafta, diesel, fuel oil, and similar fuel oils (excluding storage tanks used for heating purposes),
9.2.3 Facilities with a total storage tank capacity of 200 tons or more, less than 50,000 tons for organic chemical solvents (alcohols, aldehydes, aromatics, ketones, amines, acids, esters, acetates, ethers, and the like),
9.3 Facilities with a total storage tank capacity for Methanol of 5,000 tons and more, less than 30,000 tons (1)
9.4 Facilities with total storage tank capacity for acrylonitrile 200 tons or more, with less than 2000 tons, (1)
9.5 Facilities with a total storage tank capacity for chlorine of 10 tons or more (1)
9.6 facilities with a total storage tank capacity for the sulfur dioxide of 20 or more, (1)
9.7 facilities with a total storage tank capacity for liquid oxygen of 200 tons or more, (1)
9.8 Facilities with a total storage tank capacity for Ammonium nitrate of 500 tons or more, (1)
9.9 Facilities with a total storage tank capacity for sodium chlorate of 25 tons or more, (1)
9.10 Facilities with a total storage tank capacity for Plant Protection or pest protection of 5 tons or more, (1)
9.11 Storage or sieving-packaging facilities that are not open or fully closed, where the bulk materials capable of dusting in the dry state of 200 tons per day and above are filled and unloaded with dump vehicles or tilting tanks, ladles, or technical tools and equipment. (200 tons per day or more of material transfer facilities and scrap metal storage areas are included, excavation works are excluded).”

“10.Other Facilities:
10.1 Facilities where explosive substances are produced, recovered or disposed of (including loading, unloading or shredding ammunition or other explosives, excluding the production of matches), (1)
10.2 Air liquefaction plants with a production capacity of 25 tons per hour and above, (1)
10.3. Urban and/or domestic qualified wastewater treatment facilities with a population of fewer than 100,000 people. (1), (2)
10.4. Test Centers for rated power jet engines and gas turbines of 3,000 KW or above, or test standards for engines and gas turbines of these powers.
10.5. Cigarette factories, (1)
10.6 Ports, yacht ports (ports where ships operating scheduled flights in our territorial waters dock to receive passengers, except for fishing shelters). (1), (2)
10.7 Tourism accommodation facilities, resorts, and/or tourism complexes. (1), (2)
10.8 Enterprises with wastewater discharge to the receiving environment that are not included in Annex-1 and Annex-2 lists. (1), (2)
10.9 Hospitals and health institutions (with a bed capacity of 20 and above) and dialysis centers (15 devices and above) located outside hospitals and medical centers, (1), (2)

• (1): Facilities exempt from environmental permit on environmental noise
• (2): Facilities exempt from environmental permit on air emission
• (3): The work and operations of ship recycling facilities under this regulation will be initiated after the publication of the procedures and principles related to these facilities.
• (4): The licensing subject in the environmental licensing process of advanced thermal processing facilities will be evaluated under the title of waste incineration and co-incineration license subject until the publication of the procedures and principles related to these facilities.”