We, as MITTO CONSULTANCY A.Ş., provide the continuity of the investments of our customers as their solution partner by making a significant impact in their growth stages in the sector in which we carry out our activities with a professional service approach. One of our most significant goals is to protect all our employees and the current environment against the possible risks of our line of business. We aim to realize all stages of our service activities in a healthy and safe working environment. In the direction of this goal, as a requirement of our responsibility for creating the policy of “health and safety come first”;


  • To improve continuously the processes and increase the performance through a proactive approach on Occupational Health and Safety,
  • For the purpose of ensuring the health and safety of employees, sub-contractors, visitors and company personnel who work outside of the workplace, to take all kinds of precautions in accordance with the current OHS legislation and other OHS-related requirements, to provide tools and Personal Protective Equipment, to ensure the use of these tools and equipment, when necessary,
  • To detect the risks that may cause occupational accidents and diseases in the workplace, and use secure equipment and suitable technologies for a healthy and safe working environment,
  • To carry out risk assessment and ensure that all risks reach an acceptable degree of risk,
  • To build the culture of occupational health and safety and provide its continuity,
  • To meet the legal liabilities, relevant standards and conditions on Occupational Health and Safety,
  • To determine a proactive approach instead of a reactive approach,
  • To ensure the use of technology that causes the least damage to the environment within the bounds of technical, economic and commercial opportunities in new investments and projects, and minimize the damage to the environment by making continuous improvements to the existing structure as much as possible,
  • To comply with all legal and other requirements in relation to the environment,
  • To ensure the periodical review and update of the instructions, evaluations and forms prepared within the scope of the environment in parallel to the laws, legislation, developments and needs,
  • To determine new environmental goals in relation to environmental issues and actions to achieve these goals, 
  • To adopt as a life philosophy to share the studies that we have carried out in order to protect the environmental awareness and the environment with our employees, customers, suppliers, and society, to provide training that develops according to the needs in order to increase environmental awareness,



In the direction of all these principles, it is aimed to implement our Environmental-Occupational Health and Safety principles. It will be a source of pride for us to adopt these principles by all our employees and employees of the employer/supplier companies and to be known and understood by all the institutions and organizations we collaborate. The service quality provided is under the guarantee of Mitto.


We, particularly the top management, undertake to work in accordance with the determined conditions.