EIA report process is a process applied for activities included in the scope of EIA Regulation Annex 1 or “EIA Required” decision as a result of PDB (Project Description Brief). EIA Application File is prepared and then Public Participation and Scope and Special Format Determinatiom Meeting are maden. After these meetings,“EIA report” is prepared according to special format of Ministry and process ends by “EIA Positive” or “EIA Negative” decision.


EIA report can only be prepared by firms having compliance certificate from Ministry of Environment and Urbanization. In this report, all of the environmental impacts are considered and it includes how the waste and residues may cause environmental pollution become harmless and precautions required to be taken.

Appendix-1 List
List Of Projects To Be Implemented In Environmental Impact Assessment


1- Refineries:

a) Crude oil refineries,

b) Gasification and liquefaction projects of hard coal and bituminous materials over 500 tons per day,

c) Natural gas liquefaction and gasification facilities,
2- Thermal power facilities:

a) Thermal power facilities with a total thermal power of 300 MWt and more, as well as other combustion systems,

b) Installation or dismantling of nuclear power facilities or other nuclear reactors, (except for research projects aimed at the production of conversion of substances whose maximum power does not exceed 1 kilowatt in terms of continuous thermal load, the atomic nucleus can be destroyed and multiplied)

3- Nuclear fuel facilities:

a) Reprocessing of nuclear fuels,

b) Production or enrichment of nuclear fuels,

C) Treatment of radiation-free nuclear fuels or waste containing radiation above the limit value,

d) Final disposal of radiation nuclear fuels,

d) The process of final disposal of only radioactive waste,

e) Storage of nuclear fuels with radiation only (planned for more than 10 years) or radioactive waste in a different area from the production area,

f) Final disposal of radiation-free nuclear fuels,

4- Metal industrial facilities:

a) Facilities producing iron and/or steel from ore, (250,000 tons per year and above)

b) Facilities producing steel from iron and/or steel, (including scrap) (250,000 tons per year and above)

C) Iron and/or steel smelting and casting facilities, (including scrap) (250,000 tons per year and above)

d) Facilities where non-ferrous metals are smelted and cast, (250,000 tons per year and above)

d) hot rolling facilities,

1) Facilities for rolling iron or steel, (250,000 tons per year and above)

2) Facilities for rolling Nonferrous Metals, (250,000 tons per year and above)”

5- Asbestos removal and processing or recycling facilities for asbestos-containing products:

a) Asbestos mine enterprises and enrichment facilities,

b) Facilities with a capacity of 50 tons per year and above that produce friction as a final product,

c) Other facilities using asbestos 200 tons per year and above,

d) Facilities with a capacity of 10,000 tons per year and above, the final product of which is asbestos concrete,

6- Chemical plants that produce on an industrial scale using various functionally connected units:

a) Production of organic chemicals,

b) Production of Inorganic Chemicals,

c) Annual production of simple or compound fertilizers based on phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium of 20,000 tons or more.

7- Facilities where explosive and/or flammable substances are produced,

8- Roads and airports:

a) Railway lines that are 100km and above,

B) Airports with a runway length of 2.100 m and above,

C) Highways and state highways,

d) Construction of intercity highways with four or more lanes,

e) Renovation or widening of existing intercity highways with two or fewer traffic lanes to four or more traffic lanes, extending the continuous length of the reconstructed or expanded section to 10 km or more,”

9- Waterways, ports, and shipyards:

a) Ports to be built for the construction of intra-continental waterways and intra-continental water traffic that allow the passage of watercraft weighing 1,350 DWT and above,

b) Commercial ports, piers, quays, and dolphins where marine vessels weigh 1.350 DWT and over can dock,

c) Shipyards,

D) Facilities that perform one of the manufacturing, maintenance, and repair services of yachts or boats 24 m and above,

d) Shipbreaking sites,

e) Yacht ports,
10- Hazardous and/or specially treated wastes:

a) Where hazardous and/or specially treated wastes are recovered, incinerated (incineration by oxidation, pyrolysis, gasification, plasma, etc. thermal operations) facilities where it is regularly stored and/or final disposal,

b) Incinerators designed for medical waste with a capacity of 1 ton per day and above,

c) Facilities designed for waste oil recovery with an annual processing capacity of 2,000 tons or more,

11- Excluding construction wreckage and excavation wastes, wastes with an area of more than 10 hectares and / or 100 tons and more per day including the target year are recovered, incinerated (incineration by oxidation, pyrolysis, gasification, plasma, etc. thermal processes) are regularly stored and / or facilities where the final disposal is made,


12- 10 million m3/year and above groundwater extraction or underground water storage projects,


13- (Changed: RG-26/5/2017-30077) Water transfer projects of 10 million m3/year and above between stream basins, except for pipe and drinking water transportation,


14- Dams or ponds with a lake volume of 10 million m3 and above,


15- Hydroelectric power facilities with an installed power of 10 MW and above,


16- Waste water treatment facilities with a capacity of 150,000 equivalent people and/or more than 30,000 m3 per day,


17- Facilities where feces from animal husbandry are burned, recovered, and/or disposed of, with a daily capacity of 100 tons and above,


18- Animal slaughter facilities:

a) Cattle and/or small ruminants sector held by the facilities, [(and above the cutting unit of 100 per day), (each cutting unit equivalents: Each slaughter unit equivalents: 1 cattle, 2 ostriches, 4 pigs, 8 sheep, 10 goats, 130 rabbits)]

b) Poultry slaughter facilities, [(60,000 chickens per day and above and equivalent other poultry) (1 Turkey = 7 chickens should be based)]


19- Animal breeding facilities:

a) Cattle breeding facilities with 5,000 heads and above,

b) Small breeding facilities with 25.000 heads and above,

c) Co-breeding of cattle and small animals, [(5,000 cattle and above,1 cattle=5 small animals should be based on the equivalent)]

d) Pork fattening facilities with 900 pigs and above,

e) Poultry breeding facilities, [(60,000 or more chickens during a production period (chicks, breeders, chickens, etc.) or equivalent other poultry) (1 Turkey = 7 chicken should be based)]


20- Cultural fishing projects, (Production capacity of 1.000 tons per year and above)


21- Facilities where crude oil production or refining process is performed from plant products, [200 tons per day of oil and above. (except essential oils of thyme, chamomile, and so on)]


22- Milk processing facilities, (raw milk processing capacity 100,000 liters per day and above)


23- Yeast factories, (25,000 tons per year and above)


24- Sugar Mills,


25- Forest products and cellulose facilities:

a) Cellulose production facilities,

b) Pulp production facilities of timber or similar fibrous materials,

c) All kinds of paper production facilities, (with a capacity of 60,000 tons per year and above)


26- The annual capacity of 3,000 tons and above bleaching (sizing removal, bleaching, mercerization, causation and so on.) or yarn, fabric or carpet factories containing dyeing units with an annual capacity of 3,000 tons or more,

27- Mining projects:

a) (Changed: RG-19/4/2019-30750) 25 hectares and above the land surface (including excavation and casting area) planned open enterprises,

b) Coal extraction by Open operation method in the working area exceeding 150 hectares (as the total of excavation and casting area),

c) Ore enrichment facilities where biological, chemical, electrolytic or heat treatment methods are applied and / or waste facilities related to these enrichment facilities,

D) Facilities that perform at least one of the crushing, screening, washing, and ore preparation operations of 400,000 tons per year and above.


28- 500 tons per day crude oil, 500,000 m3/day natural gas or rock gas extraction,


29- Transportation of oil, natural gas, and chemicals by pipes with a diameter of 600 mm and above that are longer than 40 km,


30- Cement factories,


31- Facilities where oil, natural gas, petrochemicals, and chemicals are stored with a capacity of 50,000 m3 and above,


32- Rawhide processing facilities, (excluding garment products) (2000 tons per year and above)


33- Specialized organized Industrial zones, (projects included in Annex-1 list and Annex-2 list)


34- Battery and / or battery production facilities, (except installation facilities)


35- Facilities where active ingredients of pesticides and/or pharmaceutical products are produced,


36- Production of motor vehicles, [motor vehicles (cars, buses, and so on); agricultural machinery (tractors, harvesters and the like); construction equipment (dozer, excavator and so on); defense industrial vehicles (tanks, armored vehicles, and so on)] (excluding the assembly facilities) (10,000 units per year and above)


37- Facilities for the production of railway vehicles (except for the installation facilities) (1000 units per year and above)


38- Production of motor aircraft,


39- Glass, glass fiber, rock wool, and similar production facilities, (100,000 tons per year and above)

40- Tire production facilities, (internal and external motor vehicle and aircraft tires, column, tread rubber, cord cloth, and so on)

41- Ceramic or porcelain production facilities, [raw material capacity (mud preparation, priming, glazing, etc. materials used in operations)] (300,000 tons per year and above)

42- Tourism accommodation facilities: hotels, resorts and / or tourism complexes and so on, (500 rooms and above)

43- (Changed: RG-26/5/2017-30077) wind power facilities with 20 units and above or installed power 50 MWm and above

44- Extraction and use of geothermal resources, (thermal capacity of 20 MWe and above)

45- (Changed: RG-26/5/2017-30077) project area 20 hectares and above or installed power 10 MWe and above solar power facilities,

46- 154 kV (kilovolts) and above voltage 15 km and above, length electrical power transmission lines,