• Operation, protection and improvement of ground water in mining projects and underground work,

• Identifying factors such as flow rates, unpredictable water level drops,

• The existence and location of boundary conditions, possible flows and quantities that may occur between neighboring aquifers, pressure or free current conditions, well losses and well efficiency are determined.


Aquifer Tests in EIA process


Aquifer tests are performed in open and closed mines, production and observation wells during EIA. Hydrogeological parameters such as groundwater level changes, transmission and storage coefficient of geological unit are determined by aquifer tests.



Aquifer Testing In Mining Activities


January and January in metallic mines (open pit, closed pit) and their own enrichment facilities are monitored the change of water levels. As part of determining the efficiency of water supply wells opened for the plant and conducting dewatering studies in quarries, aquifer tests are carried out in observation and water supply wells.

Pump Testing

Pump testing is performed to determine hydrogeological parameters such as conductivity, hydraulic conductivity, storage coefficient of the geological unit in which the well is drilled. Pump testing is performed in 4 stages. These stages,


• Well development,
• Step pump test,
• Fixed flow rate shooting,
• Back is ascension.

The duration of the fixed flow rate shooting test varies according to the response of the well, which ranges from 24 to 196 hours as standard.


Keeping the pump test time longer allows you to see the drop cone at a wider diameter, which means that the Impact Radius is larger. Thus, Geological (fracture-catlak – fault, etc.) near the well to be produced.) the existence of structures is determined.


Mitto consulting, with its expert hydrogeology team, performs its work at the wellhead continuously from the beginning to the end of the test.


Slug Test

In order to determine aquifer parameters, the slug test method is used when the hydrogeological parameters belonging to the geological unit where the well test will be performed are at a level where the pump test cannot be performed. In the Slug test, the difference between the static water level and the dynamic water level is found according to the time-drop change by abruptly dropping the volume into the known Weight Well, the Time-Rise change, and the time-Fall change by abruptly withdrawing (recovery).
From this graph showing water level change over time, hydraulic conductivity coefficient (K), storage coefficient (S) and conductivity (T) are calculated.
Pump tests give healthy results at yields above certain flow rates, while slug testing should be applied at flows below this yield, i.e. medium and low permeable aquifes.